A Jewel in My Hand
Mîr Mi Cammen

I can see past
All your horizons
But I cannot see
Where you've gone.

Gerin athan-dírad
i 'land gened lín;
ú-erin cened an ir

I can outrun
Your mortal years
But I never wished
To leave you behind.

Gerin athan-nored
ínnath fíreb lín;
alui anirnen
le awarthad.

Seven hundred autumns
Seven hundred springs
There were before
I met the son of kings.

Iavais ar Ethuil
odog herain
gwanner nu gevennin

At your summons
I left my own kind
And took the road
Into the west.

Na dolthad lín
awarthannen nos nín
aphadol i râd
nan Annûn.

In the words of my people
You called me gwador
In the words of your people
I called you friend.

Na bith gwaith nín
estannech nin gwador.
Na bith gwaith lín
estannen le mellon.

To the White City
I would have followed you
To the Black Gate.

Gernin iest aphaded
nan garas fain
a gernin iest aphaded
nan morannon.

Now I stand still
And my eyes see nothing
But a silver jewel
Cupped in my hand.

Si derin ú-genel
a tiriel ú-nad
athan vîr gelevon
mi cammen.

So far we've travelled
So far we've hunted
But you've gone the one place
I cannot go.

Palan go-drevennim
a go-farnem:
dan mistannech na had
ú-'erin baded.


~ Ellen Brundige (sepdet@cox.net, first posted here)